First to Market Technology
Mutually Beneficial Value | Open-Ended Discovery
We use deep tech that has the geometry of personalization & relational intelligence. Features a revolutionary interlocking “slow cycle” and “fast cycle” architecture that finds order in chaos as viewed from different perspectives.
CAS Customer is a licensed deep tech partner of IPVIVE, Inc., with a singular focus on helping sales teams within international markets grow and expand their business in cross-cultural environments.
CAS Customer uses IPVIVE’s IRIE© hyperbolic lenses to interpret the world from a manifold of personalized perspectives. It more accurately quantifies biases (the distances between an objective event and its subjective interpretation from a given lens) at every level of interaction as well as identifying the specific differences between individual biases.
“We humans have a wide range of abilities that help us perceive and analyze mathematical content. We perceive abstract notions not just through seeing but also by hearing, by feeling, by our sense of body motion and position.”
— William Thurston (Inventor of Hyperbolic Geometry)